Are Aluminum Fences Worth It?

The Most Important Question

Before adding anything to your home, whether it be an aluminum fence or the kitty calendar that caught your eye at the dollar store, you need to answer the following question: “Is it worth it?” The kitty calendar might be at a discounted price, but if you’re more of a dog person or you have three calendars just like it at the house, then it probably isn’t the best choice for you.

When it comes to buying an aluminum fence for your home or property, you ask yourself: “Is the cost of an aluminum fence worth the benefits it will provide me?”. Fortunately, if you are asking yourself this question, we will walk you through the three most important benefits of installing an aluminum fence.

Safety First

You always hear stories about how your grandma could leave the front door unlocked 24/7 because “that’s just how it was back in the day”. She woke up every morning without a care in the world, pruned her beautiful roses, and then began her day. As pretty as that image is, the reality of today is the world is a bit less friendly, not to mention the ruthless deer and rabbits that make growing anything a seasonal nightmare.

An aluminum fence works wonders to combat this issue, keeping out would-be garden wreckers and adding a physical barrier between the outside world and your property. If a burglar wants to break into a home, he or she is likely to avoid the one that requires them to scale a metal fence once empty-handed, and then a second time carrying all of their stolen loot. Additionally, if you have a pool, installing an aluminum fence can prevent small children from wandering too close by themselves. 

The aluminum fence also provides a significant increase in privacy. You don’t have to build the Great Wall Of China across your lawn to keep your property private and secure. A physical barrier goes a long way in discouraging people from interrupting your day off when you just want to watch your favorite show and take a long nap.

The Upkeep is Laughably Easy

Most things that provide substantial benefit to your home also tend to require a significant amount of upkeep. Rest easy, because aluminum fences require virtually no maintenance to look and perform 100%. A chemical property of aluminum is that it does not rust, which means that unless you run into the fence with your car, the composition and strength of the fence will not change. 

As far as cleaning the aluminum fence, it requires less work than taking your car through a car wash. Dust, lawn clippings, and anything else can be washed away with the spray of a water hose. While your neighbors will spend hours cleaning their fence with rags and specially formulated cleaning products, you’ll walk outside in your pajamas with a cup of coffee, turn on the water hose and clean off your aluminum fence in mere minutes. Then you can go back inside smiling, knowing that your fence looks even cleaner than your poor neighbors. Maybe you feel bad and offer to help him, or you could do him a real favor and show him our website.

I know what you’re thinking, “Maybe it won’t rust, but what about the paint?”. Fair question and the answer will set you at ease. The powder-coating paint used on our aluminum fence is one of the most durable on the market and will look good as new for as long as you own the property.  So much so, that the manufacturer guarantees the powder coating will not crack, chip, or peel or they’ll replace the material for free!

Increase The Value Of Your Home

We’ve gone over the safety an aluminum fence provides and also the guarantees that Aluminum Fences Direct makes with it. Now, let’s go over the ROI. This might not be the most glamorous topic to discuss, but as the saying goes: “the numbers don’t lie”.

When you install the aluminum fence on your property, that property’s value increases tremendously. The aesthetic or curb appeal alone is enough to cause anyone to give your property a second look. They will understand that while the aluminum fence is visually appealing, it also gives the owner privacy and security. The potential buyer will recognize these benefits and may be swayed to purchase your property over a similar property without an aluminum fence. 

Granted, this will not have the monumental effect of being neighbors with George Clooney or having an Olympic-sized infinity pool, but its definitely something that should not be overlooked. An important question to keep in mind is: “What is the first thing someone will notice about my property?”

If you have an aluminum fence surrounding your property, that will likely be the first thing they will see and form opinions on. This is a good thing! If the first thing they see on your property is something that is going to make them feel secure and safe, they will view the rest of the property with a much more positive attitude.

This is why you are far better off making adjustments to your property’s landscape if your goal is to increase the value of your property while being cost-efficient. You only get one first impression in these situations, so it only makes sense to put your best aluminum foot (fence) forward.


So, is it worth it to install an aluminum fence on your property? If you want to give your property an upgrade in curb appeal, safety, and market value, then the answer should be a resounding YES! 

You will be hard-pressed to find another addition to your property that will provide as much benefit as an aluminum fence with virtually zero upkeep. Finding a better price for aluminum fencing will be equally as difficult. Not to mention, every inch of your fence is covered by our lifetime warranty, so it will look as good as new for as long as you keep the property!

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