What Is the Best Fencing Material for Beach Homes?

A beachfront home can be the culmination of a lifelong dream. The sun, the ocean air and all that water is good for the body and the soul, but many beachfront homeowners may neglect to really think about what they’ll need to close in that property boundary and help secure their property. Not only are there the snooping eyes of others, but innocent trespassing and the more nefarious ideas of passersby can represent a legitimate security risk, as well as continued annoyances whether you’re home or not.

Indeed, before you can settle in for the long haul in that new abode, you’ll need the best fencing material for beach homes. Fences come in many different shapes, colors and materials, though beach house fence ideas are just about as numerous. From the simplicity of a white picket fence to coastal fencing ideas that utilize alternative fencing materials, there’s a lot to consider. The best fence material in one instance may be wholly inadequate in another, so it pays to spend some time thinking about your fencing up front.

As for what you’ll need, the best fencing material for beach homes can be tricky. Beach homes are not quite like their compatriots in other parts of the country since all that moisture in the air can quickly do a number on, say, a standard wooden fence. While that fence may look great for a year or so, the salty ocean air will quickly turn that wooden fence into rot, and it’ll also make short work of that metal fence if you end up purchasing one that is prone to rust.

In fact, you’ll need a fence that is impervious to the weather and moisture, and that can significantly narrow down your options for you. However, you’ll have to do something as you won’t be able to go without a reliable fence for very long. Beachfront properties tend to have lots of foot traffic in the area, and that can be a concern especially if you spend much of your time away from your home.

Let’s take a look at each of your options and eventually identify the best fencing material for your beach home.

Wooden Fencing

When most people think of fencing, they’re probably picturing that quintessential wooden picket fence. But while a wooden fence may look the part, it doesn’t provide much protection since they’re largely much too small and weak to provide much of a deterrent. They’re also easily damaged and prone to rot from precipitation and the beachy air, and that means a considerable amount of maintenance to ensure that your wooden fence doesn’t fall into disrepair shortly after it goes up.

That maintenance may sound negligible, but if the thought of repainting a wooden fence each year is the last thing you want to do, it’s hardly the best fencing material for beachfront homes. Aside from hiring someone to maintain the fence, you’ll also need to conduct periodic inspections of your wooden fence so that you can get in front of any issues before that fence presents some kind of problem — though the one thing that a wooden fence has going for it is that the panels are relatively straightforward to replace.

Glass Fencing

Some of those that own beachfront homes may opt for frameless glass fencing because it maintains those excellent views of the beach and the ocean. However, glass fencing provides little privacy and, unless you’re cleaning the glass daily, it’ll start to develop unsightly spots that will start to detract from the stunning look. Cheaper glass fencing may also easily break during storms and other precipitous events, creating a hazard for yourself, your family and your pets.

While perimeters can be maintained with glass fencing, it’s hardly the best fencing material for beach homes because anyone can easily see in. Combined with the windows on your home, that can create a significant privacy issue, especially at night when the lights inside makes it easy to see everything that’s happening inside, as well as when you may not be home.

Metal Fencing

Since wood and glass are hardly ideal for beach homes, some homeowners will shift their attention to metal fences that can provide more of a rigid and maintenance-free barrier to the outside world. But if you’ve ever spent time with an old wrought iron fence, you know that most metal can rust. That means expensive and complicated paints and other finishes that can help keep moisture and precipitation away from settling in, not to mention nearly year-round maintenance concerns if that protective paint gives way.

Some types of metal fencing doesn’t need protective coating — such as chain link fencing — though for the most part they’re hardly appropriate for homes. While metal may be the best fencing material for beach homes due to its strength and longevity, you’ll have to match the right kind of metal fence with your needs.

Aluminum Fencing

A maintenance-free fencing option that closely matches the iconic look of old wrought iron fencing, an aluminum fence gives the best of both worlds. It’s strong like other metals, which means that you’ll get years of faithful protection from your humble aluminum fence, but it’s also impervious to moisture since it simply can’t rust, even without a paint covering. Aluminum is also incredibly lightweight for its strength, and that means it’s easier to ship, install and work with, and that’ll help reduce the cost of getting that new fence around your beach home in the first place.

Even if you don’t have a beachfront home, aluminum fencing is ideal for homes with backyard pools and other moisture concerns as you’ll never have to worry about your fencing rusting out. Forget about painting or otherwise taking care of your fence year after year — aluminum is one of the best fencing materials for beach homes or homes of all types since it’s pretty much set and forget. Once the fencing goes in, they’ll provide continued security while lesser fences will have long since given up. The best part is that aluminum fencing comes in many different styles and finishes so that you can choose the right fencing for your tastes and needs.

If you’re ready to upgrade to an aluminum fence, give the aluminum fencing experts at Aluminum Fences Direct a call. We ship aluminum fencing anywhere in the country for you to get a local installer or some friends together to finish the job on site. Buy fencing today!

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